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New .hack// Blackrose vTuber Model #Shorts



Blackrose from .hack//Infection, .hack//Another Birth, .hack//LINK, .hack//VERSUS

This model was inspired by her appearance, however throughout the series there has been minor changes here and there with her hair color, number of wave tattoo's their placement and colors, skin tone color, muscular shape, and outfit. Except for this vTuber model we went with a more casual look while maintaining the purple/violet color schemes, a black rose on the shirt, and thorns on the skirt.

The program used was the free VRoid Studio, the free face rig program 3tene, and video captured with the free streaming software Streamlabs OBS. Everything is free, all you have to invest is time and patience. Discuss with us on our Dothack Discord, link down below.



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