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  2. Greetings this a online of how the new patch system for .hack will work, this will be distributed with all the tools required to work the patch no more looking for the proper files you need. Download it here, unzip it, move the data.cpk file into the uncompressed folder and click the “patch” batch file. This will overwrite the data.cpk file in the folder. Once it is done insert the data.cpk file back into the iso using UMDTOOL 3.5. Simple right? I tried my best to make this foolproof, but it can fail. If your Java Runtime Environment is installed in a non standard folder, please make sure the folder containing java.exe is in the system path. If you have no idea what this means you probably are safe, but there were a bunch of people with issues with this before. Leading me to to consider a tutorial post, Google system path java, and you should be safe. Why use this over the old one? Because it is simpler and also take advantage of compression of the files that I have been neglecting at this point, which should fix a few slowdown issues we have been having. So please test it out and let me know. Jun Bansyoya PS This is still the same version of the patch as last time, there is not new translated dialog here. The translators are working hard I hear they may have a new release soon. This is purely something I am testing on the technical side, please ignore it until the new patch if you wish.
  3. Gematsu reported late last week that CyberConnect2’s president and CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama mentioned an unannounced .hack// game is in the works at New York Comic Con. From the article they appear to be targeting both portable and home consoles. No word in about content, except that it will be new. I’m glad to read that .hack// is still alive at CC2 and hopefully we will see an official .hack//LINK before it releases… probably not, but one can dream.
  4. Hello all, the title theoretically says it all but not really. Just updated the project page with version 0.1.1, the instructions are a bit easier now, so please re-read and attempt the patch again. Included in this update should be everything that was in the original video. This was not true before, the patcher didn’t write to the ccs files in the sc folder, these files where the conversation pages when and the tutorials. Also added a known issues section for problems that many people are having. PS Savegames have no issues with these modifications, just drag and drop the new iso into the correct place, people on the PSPgo should not resume from paused/sleep game mode between iso upgrade.
  5. Hey guys just a quick post, I just receiced this e-mail from the Integrability Forums(aka dothack.org) I know it was just a form e-mail but I felt it was funny. So to everyone who just receiced the same e-mail you have come to the right place. Project page can be found here, for complete instructions. It’s been awhile JunBansyoya, How have you been? Things sure have picked up in the dothack realm lately if you were unaware. First off recently announced was a push for having the iOS and Android app Guilty Dragon for North America and Europe by the games developers. Coming soon the Japanese release will debut and soon after that the rest of us will get our chance. Next up was the translation of the Thanatos report, an extra found on the .hack//The Movie + VS Hyrbrid disc, so if you haven’t watched it then check out YouTube to see. Then, a major breakthrough on the .hack//LINK unofficial translation group released their first game patch for all of us to download and patch to our current Japanese copies of .hack//LINK for the PSP, search on Google for Hello Toaster for more and how to apply the patch. Moving forward, Project X Zone, the upcoming tactical role-playing game for the Nintendo 3DS including characters of the dothack franchise such as Kite and Blackrose; releases October but surprisingly a major push for localization by the developers is also in the works announced this week. So whomever said Dothack is dead, you were dead wrong. The Dothack community still grows, from news at our neighbors at Dothackers.net; to our friends from CyberConnects.org developing a 3D MMO of TheWorld, all the way over to the guys at .hack//Wikia updating the latest information on the characters plots and stories we know and love, and far as those individuals like JunBansyoya and Kuukai whom spend their time translating an entire game and releasing free to the public English patches of PSP games. Rest assured if your a fan of dothack, there are people out there representing the English speaking community. Back in the World of Integrability, we have major story line progress updates. The fabled main story has up and started, the cast and plot has been established, and you the players will now have the opportunity to witness the story unfolding, or, become part of how the story is told. Keep focus on the Role-play and watch what will take place in the coming weeks. Who knows, you may even become the next Dothacker with special powers and abilities, or perhaps become infected and restricted. Find out more at your local Integrability role-play section today! For you character model enthusiast, don’t forget next month is October, you know what that means? HALLOWEEN AVATARS! Start posting and start saving your hard earned avatar points today and on October 1st, the doors to Halloween wares will become available to you. If you like to stay active and up-to-date, be sure to join us in our daily Skype chats by contacting Insydius on Skype to be included in our public group chat. You’ll find up to the second information, updates, progress, fellow Integrians to chat with, and much much more! And finally, if you ever want to meet the creator of Integral and Integrability and live or plan on visiting the Washington state area between October 26-28th, then drop by over to the local anime convention AkiCon for a chance to meet Edan and Effie! And no, Edan does not give glomps. Live long and prosper Integrians! - Edan Thanks for the shout out.
  6. .hack//LINK Fan Translation One of my aliases on line is Jun Bansyoya this is the name I use to post on the dothackers forums. In February of 2011 I started work on creating a fan translation of the not localized game .hack//LINK. I started this project because I am a big fan of the series, and wanted to see the “third season” of the series in English. I initially posted some cryptic messages and screenshots of the game online on the previously mentioned forums. Through this I was able to find Kuukai, a translator willing to help me with the work. We prepared a rough draft and prepared the following video for an anime convention in Boston in May of that year. We recruited some new help with this to. All this time I was working on a framework that would make patching this game quite easy, and with some reverse engineering of the ccs file format that the games uses I managed to create an app that will be able to universally modify files based on a user desired changes. This app is fully expandable to modify image resources, but so far I have not reverse engineered this part of the ccs file and limited myself to just plain text. Recently I have decided that don’t have the time necessary to adequately work on this project and have passed over control of it to Kuukai the lead translator. This document is meant to aide him as much as tell users how to use the utility I created. This page is meant to be a how to guide for how to use the patch. As well as finally Link to the patches. Releases; v0.1 – Terror Infection – Released September 1, 2012 How to Guides; For these guides you need to be running a Play Station Portable(PSP) system with a custom firmware(CFW). As hacking methods and CFWs of choice change over time I will skip instructions for how to do that and just leave you with the golden rule, “when in doubt google it”. Before we start you should make a folder to store everything I tell you to download, make, or save. Keeping everything in there would be easiest. It is also recommended if you read all the step before you begin, but I hope to write them in a way where this is unnecessary. You will also need to know how to use a command line in order to complete this. You also need java installed on your system and added to your system path. One last note is that although my patcher is written in java the other applications you use are native windows executable making this entire process require windows. There may be similar tools for other operating systems, but they will not be outlined here. If you wish to do a how to for other OS’s feel free, please let me know so I can integrate them into this how-to. So now just read through this in order. How to extract an ISO from your Universal Media Disc This step is for people who own the original Universal Media Disc(UMD) of the game .hack//LINK, if you obtained an ISO through alternate methods you may skip this step. The easiest method would be to use a build in feature of most CFW, you can start off by bringing up the CFW setting menu, generally it is accessed by pressing Select. In this menus you can change USB DEVICE to be UMD Disc using the D-Pad. Connect your PSP to your computer. Switch to usb mode, by going into Settings >> USB Connection Drag and drop the ISO file from the mounted drive to a safe location on your computer. How to extract the DATA.cpk file from the ISO The DATA.CPK file is the most important file in this ISO, this is a giant file that stores all resources used by this game. These files are used by the CRIware system, popular in Japanese games on various systems. For more information you can see their website. Download a utility called UMDgen, we need precisely version 3.50 newer version have cause some problems when trying to get the final image to run. I generally get it from the dash hacks network, they don’t require a password for their downloads so it is the most friendly, warning for the longest time they did have auto-play video advertisements might want to mute before you go there. (Direct Link) Extract the program and run it. Open the ISO file previously created. The bottom window will look like a standard 2 pane file explorer, open the PSP_GAME folder followed by USRDIR. In there should be a file called data.cpk this is what you need, right click it and select Extract Selected… from here a Save As dialog will open save it in a safe location. How to extract the data from DATA.CPK We use two tools to manipulate the data in this, QuickBMS an extraction tool that is used to extract files, this tool is a generic extractor with an open scripting language that allows the user to write extensions to open any file the user wishes. The other tool will be discussed when the time comes. Go to the QuickBMS webpage and download the most recent version of the tool. Link is close to the top of the page. Download the CPK script, use your browser’s search function to help you find it (CTRL-F). Make a folder called data. Extract and run the program. A black screen and a Open File dialog box is here, this is where you select the script you want to use to extract the file, cpk.bms should be it’s name where ever you saved it from step 2. Click OK. Another Open File dialog box should appear, this is where you select the file to extract, here you select your data.cpk. Click OK. A third and final dialog box will appear, this is a folder selection box, use this to select the data folder you created in step 3. Click OK. It may take a couple minutes to do its work, so let it be. How to apply the Patch to the Data Folder Download the most recent version, of the translation, link above. The zip file should have a folder with a file called “dothack.jar” this is a java program that will up date the files, and a folder called patch this is the patch. Your main folder should have the jar file, the data folder, and the patch folder in it. (Along with other stuff) Open up a command prompt. Press WIN+R and type CMD into the text box. Press Enter or Return. Use CD to navigate into your main folder. In Windows Vista/7 you can do this easier by using the file explorer to navigate to the folder that contains your main folder. Hold shift while right clicking on your main folder to bring up an extended right click menu, in here click Open command window here. Now run this command in the command window java -jar dothack.jar patch data patch Let this run til completion. This will patch in place, so the data folder will be changed from this point forward How to recreate the data.cpk file from the data folder This is where the other tools to work with cpk files comes in, this one is a tad bit more illegal as it uses licensed dll files from the official CRIware SDK, download at your own risk. A link is provided for this one because of its nature you might accidentally download some malware. The program is called CRI Packed File Maker and is generally distributed in a file called CRI Packed File Maker-ElPocho96.rar. Download “CRI Packed File Maker-ElPocho96.rar” and extract it into your main folder. It should make a folder called crifilesystem. Go into the folder and run the executable CriPackedFileMaker.exe. There is a Open icon near the top right corner, click on it. Navigate to your data folder and select it, click ok. In the bottom right should be a button, Build CPK file…, click it. A save menu will appear, you can choose where to save it, by default it will over write the original file if in the same folder as the data folder. This will be ok. The other settings should be set as followed Data Align: 2048 File Mode: Filename Try Compression: deselected Mask directories information: deselected Click Start to Build. Take another break and let it run. How to Add the New data.cpk File to the ISO: Run UMDgen v3.50 again. Open your ISO again. Open the PSP_GAME folder followed by USRDIR again. Right click data.cpk and select delete. Drag and drop your new data.cpk into where the old one was. Save the ISO, it will not allow you to overwrite the old file so create a new ISO. Now everything is done, put your ISO file in the folder your CFW looks for ISOs in. It is generally on the root of the drive in a folder called ISO. Turn on your PSP and play. How to Update with a Newer Patch Repeat the instructions from How to apply the Patch to the Data Folder onwards. If this fails start over from the begining. How Do I Translate the Files into Another Language Look inside the patch folder, there are some sub folders. Inside them are some files with a .ccs file extenstion, these are actually text files and not the same as the .ccs files in the data folder. Open one Modify the text as needed Save and close it. Repeat from step 3 as necessary There are only two rules to follow, all the block of text are followed by a blank line the string EOL and another blank line, the last one in a file is followed by 2 blank lines as long as you edit the file without touching those you should be safe. If you do make a mistake with this you might need to start over from the source file. The patch file uses unix style line ends, you cannot use notepad to edit it them. I suggest Notepad++ for windows users, mac and linux users are safe using whatever. When you edit a file or group of files you can follow the update instructions listed above. Change log: August 18, 2012 : Page created. Public rough draft. September 1, 2012 : Files added; the patch and CRIsystemtool. Grammar corrected.
  7. After 18 months we finally have a tangible version of our patch for you to enjoy, please see the .hack project page for download links and how-to for use.
  8. Welcome all it is I Jun Bansyoya, you might remember me from such web forums as the dothackers.net, the French .hack forum, or that forum of people translating .hack//fragment. This is the opening post to what will be a series of posts about the .hack//LINK fan translation that is set to be released later this month. This series will teach you how to get our translation running on your PSP and will include topics such as; How to get .hack//LINK. How to modify your PSP. How to convert your .hack//LINK UMD into an ISO. How to patch your ISO. Finally where to download the patch. EDIT: This post turned out to be a one off please see the .hack link project page for the rest of the how-to The first Subject will be a short and simple one, How to get .hack//LINK. We firmly believe that CC2 deserves money for their work on a great game and we also understand that what we are doing is also not completely legal. The last thing we want to do is fan the flames, so we want to stress that we do not support piracy in any way. Everyone working one this project has imported a copy of this game and we would like to urge everyone who plan on playing this game to do the same. To aide you in this I have 2 links to help you in your search for this game. Buy .hack//LINK (PSP the Best) (Sony PSP) at Play-Asia.com – This is the Japanese equivalent to Players Choice version. It retails for US$ 37.99. It is not out yet but will ship October 6th 2011 this should be in your hands in time for the release of the patch. Buy .hack//LINK (Sony PSP) at Play-Asia.com – This is the regular version complete historical DVD, it is currently out of stock but might not be for long. This one is more expensive at US$ ~72.00 Well that is all for tonight the next post will be more technical and will detail a crash course into hacking your PSP.
  9. So my friends, family and coworkers know this already, but this past week I got confirmation that I am graduating. The marks for my last semester came out this past Tuesday and everything is in order. This is something I have been excited for for the longest time, to finally be done school. I say done I don’t mean permanently, I do hope to go back one day and get my masters or something but for now I am done, maybe one day become a prof, but for now after 18 years of being in a classroom I feel I am ready for a break from that. So this essentially means two things, I need to get a hair cut and get a real job. The hair cut is the easy part I mean I haven’t actually got it cut since September 14, 2010 the mess of hair has grown on me, pun intended, I am a bit hesitant to cut it at this point, but it is difficult to maintain and so I need it at least trimmed down. As for finding a job I actually need to start looking, I have signed up with Linked in and Monster, haven’t actually posted my resume yet, that is one of my goals for this weekend, you know clean it up update information. Some other things I need to do, well when I actually bought this domain name I bought it for a purpose, at the time I was working on this application that I thought was pretty neat, it is a simple application to make changing wallpapers under windows nice. An added bonus if you have multiple screen configurations it handles the screen individuality, So no longer it is needed to make up a complete wallpaper in your photo editor of choice. Also it properly scales the image while maintaining aspect ratio, and some other cool things you will see when I finally release it. There were a few bugs I forgot about when I wrote it, school work took priority so I never got around to finishing it. The bugs are a minor thing and I also hope to have that posted this weekend. Also for one of my last courses I my computer science degree, I created a game I think is kind of interesting, I have a proof of concept of it done as the course required but there are some things I would like to do to it before I release it. I don’t want to give away many details but it is a puzzle game based around using light sources as a game mechanic. Part of the course requirements meant that it had to be written in GLUT, with openGL. I do wish to add sound to the game and improve a few of the flaws before I release it, I am planning on porting it to SDL. I hope to have at least a beta out by the end of next month. What else am I working on… there is a game that was released over a year ago in Japan that I was really waiting for, I even bought a PSP at the time in anticipation for the game, but intimately the people who generally release this series of games have yet to mention if they are planning to localize it and this is unfortunate because it is a great series. That series is .hack and the game is .hack//LINK, so until Namco Bandai announces their intention to release the game. I am working on a fan translation of the game, essentially I am not skilled in Japanese, but I figured out the whole file requirements and have made up some programs to edit the files included in it easily and I met a translator online who was interested in helping the project. This project seems so far away from completion that I cannot give a timeline, but in the mean time here is a video to keep those interested drooling.
  10. The first patch is OUT! The major points of the storyline are translated. Disclaimer: we will not be distributing any patches on this site, but we've made the patch easy to find! Updated June 3, 2013 Hello .hackers Welcome to our semi-official thread for the unofficial fan translation of .hack//Link, we are posting important information throughout this thread and in this post in particular. Current Members of this Team Kuukai - Will be translating the story elements JunBansyoya - Making things work, Translating menus Keii - Will be translating the story elements Kazetrigger - Will be translating the story elements, testing New Videos Bonus video 1 (spoilers) - this a Thanatos Report level that was included in .hack//Link Bonus video 2 (spoilers) - this a Thanatos Report level that was included in .hack//Link In case you missed the last thread all the images are being hosted on Image bucket here all the old youtube videos are posted here in a playlist. Release Schedule v0.0 - "Shadow Signs" - Released August 2011 A movie version of the main story based on the patch for those who don't want to play the whole game. The final videos have been released to Youtube. v0.1 - "Terror Infection" - Released September 2012 A basic main story patch that covers all the manga scenes and FMVs, and enough conversations for you to understand the gist of the major plotlines. Game text, emails, and non-essential events in the main story (even some Schicksal bosses) will probably be excluded. Basically the same thing as Shadow Signs but playable, with 100% of the animated scenes included, and with better editing. v0.1.1 - "Big T" - Released October 2012 Fixed a problem with v0.1 where 90% of the translated content was missing. v0.2 - "Mirage Mutation" - Coming 2014 This patch will incorporate the emails and dialogues that are bridged by "narration" in Shadow Signs. More boss battles, more system text, and more key scenes will be translated. Some sidequests will be translated. Known errors in Terror Infection will be fixed. The first few chapters of the game will be completely translated, and using just the patch you will be able to follow the main story from beginning to end without more confusion than if you knew Japanese. v0.3 - "Propagation Outbreak" - TBA For this patch the focus will be on the rest of the boss fights and the rest of the interesting sidequests, and all of the related email. You see more sidestories involving characters like Posaune and Haseo, who are still really interesting in this game, but not critical to the story. This will include more of the exciting, original content that wasn't as crucial to the story as what's in v0.2, including .hack//ZERO. This one is the one we would advise playing if you want to see absolutely everything that .hack//Link has to offer. v0.4 - "Prophet Quarantine" - TBA This patch will include the storyline and email for things like Kazumi, Beast of the Apocalypse, and human Cubia, which are cool but either don't differ dramatically from their source material or can be summed up in exactly one sentence. Known Issues -Some fskit menu pages crash the game. FAQ I have a question can I ask it? Of course, but it would be appreciated if you read the thread and FAQ first, I know it is getting long but some questions have already been answered and not posted here. If you don't feel like your question is answered feel free to ask, good questions will be added to this list. Can I help? Sure, If you got what it takes, Kuukai is screening people who are interested, I will update this answer later with full details. I cannot translate, can I help? Yes! Play the game with the patch, and report any mistakes here! Only you can prevent typos! When will this be done? The first version of the patch is done! As for the final version, we are aiming for a quality translation and we cannot do this if we are rushing so don't ask, we will keep you apprised of the progress through this thread. Don't fret you will see this one day assuming <--insert appropriate end of world theory--> does not happen. Where are X located in the game files? For the most part text and audio are stored in obviously named places, for instance there is a folder called str, for you guessed it strings... It gets a bit weird when you get into the story boards, they are stored in the demo folder, there are 3 types that we reference to; MV, SC, and CM. We refer to them because that is their sub-folders inside the demo folder, generally they begin with the character 'm' or 's' followed by 7 or 8 numbers. There are other files in there as well, I have not explored them as much and don't know their purpose. How do I decode media type X? How do I extract data type Y? What is a CPK? The data types involved in this game are protected by patents and copyrights, discussing such things would also be against the rules of the board. Also there are BBS's that you can find on Google that are dedicated to this. We will no longer be providing info on any of this. There is one exception the ccs files are the main datafile that we will modify they seem like a generic unencrypted data package file which cannot have Intellectual Property laws associated with them so I feel they are fair game to discuss. I still cannot see text? Try using a text editer that allows you to set a character type, these are UTF-8 non-BOM files, notepad++ is what I use and recommend. I will add recommendations for linux(probably gedit or kate) and osx later. You haven't answered my PM are you alive? Sorry I do read every PM, but sometimes finding the time to reply can be difficult, I will be in touch soon . Please remember this is not our jobs we don't have to do this, we do this because we have fun doing this and we love .hack//ANYTHING, I don't have fun if people are fighting or rushing us please keep this thread a fun place to be
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