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Dothack Network

Upcoming Giveway



Fellow community member Matt R. has graciously donated to us this extremely rare piece of .hack memorabilia for us to host a giveaway to all you users out there. Now you are all free to take a wack at guessing what's inside the tube that the Grunty, ChimChim, and Makoto plush are investigating (inserted for scale). But for those that follow us on our Facebook group page would have known about this sooner.

To stay in the know and to discover and meet other dothackers out there, we suggest you like and follow us on our Facebook page, group, and site. Part of this giveaway will require you to show your engagement on this community to be eligible to win 1 of 12 of these goodies. Found out tomorrow January 1st 2017 right here for details on how to win what's inside!

#dothack #dothackgames #dothackers #collectibles #CyberConnect2 #BandaiNamco


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