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Dothack Network

Forum Overhaul and Refresh



I've decided to upgrade the forum software to 4.2 versioning. With that many new features were added and some removed. Once again an emphasis of making the community more social media like, and to push the members into driving the site as a community was the focus of this update. With that, so will we now that .hack has been given the green light for a revival. Many of our site's features will cater to our original mission of archiving fan sites; but also build a new community moving forward. Unfortunately the old site was a mess due to me reacting to update bugs and being blocked by said bugs. An example was our gallery, it was heavily broken after an update and rather fix each individual ones back then; starting fresh will most likely overcome those difficulties.

I still have the old site backed up on my hard drive and running on a private apache/mysql server so I can call up any previous information the old site previous held. Should anyone here need any relevant information from that site.


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