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Dothack Network

Daily Events on Discord



We are 87 days away till the Japanese release of Last Recode both Premium and Standard edition. What will you do with your time till the game becomes available? We at Dothack Network have been working and testing out a regularly weekly schedule to help keep you busy till the release of Last Recode. If you join our Discord chatroom, you'll see a daily list of options to engage and participate with the community from various .hack spinoff's, fan projects, role plays, and testing your knowledge of the .hack series.

Join in with your fellow dothackers at https://discord.gg/YkRJjQF to play Minecraft Monday's, Trivia Tuesday's, Roleplay Wednesday's, VR Thursday's, and Fragment Friday's. Check out the comment below for more info on what these days mean; or join the Discord chat and ask us directly on how you can play with others on these daily fix till Nov 1st.

#dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #dothackfragment #discord #chatroom #play #games #trivia #roleplay


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