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Dothack Network

.hack//G.U. Last Recode November 2017 Steam & PS4



It's been quite a while if you haven't been to our domain dothack.org for some time, unless you've joined within this year and been keeping up with all the new North American and European resurgence of .hack// media being officially dubbed set to be released on November 1st in Japan, November 2nd on Steam, and November 3rd on PS4/PSN for NA/EU regions. Oh and did i mention THIS YEAR! in 2017? Literally one month from now.

Early this summer CyberConnect2 the developers behind the .hack// media announced releasing an HD remaster for the former PS2 series .hack//G.U. In this remaster, we'll be getting all 3 volumes of the series on one disc. Plus an additional never before seen 4th volume to the series with new story and content, roughly 3-4 hours worth taking place a year after volume 3. Addition to the 3 volumes being remastered in HD at 1080p, the game will also be running 60 frames per second. Fixes and changes have been made to the game play to make it faster, easier, and max capacities increased throughout the game. The NA and EU physical game for PS4 and digital copies for PSN and Steam will have dual-audio in English and Japanese; and subtitles in English, French, German, and Japanese. There are many to list, so be sure to check our site for more details.

The whole focal point of a remaster being released was to allow BandaiNamco and CyberConnect2 get fans interested in the next series of .hack games, they chose this entry feeling it would bring back old fans and interest new ones. We currently have no details as of yet on what the next entries will be in the series, but the events in volume 4 are meant to be a prelude of what's to come. CyberConnect2 the developer has made it known their intent on wanting to release their games and series internationally still; however their NA and EU publisher BandaiNamcoUS and BandaiNamcoEU hold the licensing rights in the west and haven't been on board with releasing everything CyberConnect2 is creating both in the past, and now in the present. There is a Premium Edition for Last Recode that contains a sound drama, a copy of .hack//Returner, a light novel called .hack//RAGTIME, and the soundtrack. The English team at CyberConnect2 stated if we the fans can convince BandaiNamcoUS and BandaiNamcoEU on social media how much we want the series, then BandaiNamco "might" be swayed to releasing the Premium Edition internationally. Otherwise there currently are no plans on doing so.

That's the news with the upcoming remake 31 days from now and their projected plans for the future. But we the fans and content creators who deal in the business with the .hack series have not been quiet and been very busy over the past few years and even more so this year. Dothack Network which started in 2012 has been bridging the gap between fans and fan projects over the last 5 years. We've been promoting YouTubers who create lets plays, dothack news, tutorials on how to play .hack//fragment with others. We've been promoting cosplayers who spent their time and craft making awesome .hack cosplays and having meetup's at local conventions around North America. We've assisted fans on locating and collecting .hack// memorabilia, showcasing bargains and deals, as well as how to purchase internationally. We even received a generous donation on a .hack//ENEMY uncut sheet from the Deciphers printing press for the card game and gave it back to the fans in the form of a raffle giveaway; and we have more to give away today. In honor of .hack//G.U. Last Recode next month, we will be reissuing a second giveaway to send out the remaining 5 sheets we still have to you the fans in another raffle, so be sure to check the site for details sometime in October.

Our reach which began as a page on Facebook has grown exponentially reaching out as a Facebook group page for direct community and fan discussions compared to our Facebook page promotion from our editor. We have a presence over on Steam and on Twitter for those who dislike Facebook. This year we've dropped Skype in favor of Discord for being the better messenger platform and have amounted well over 400 active users with various themed channels for discussions. And our web site continues to archive the latest .hack// news and updates, as well as preserving all fan projects and fandom. Our community continues to draw fans from older sites from the past including Dothackers.net, .hack//INFO, .hack//Integral, Integrability, Cyberconnect LLC, CyberConnects, Iridium Based, Cyberconnects2, The World //R:2, Dimension-Corp, World of Visions, .hack//fragment BBS, The World BBS, The World RP, The World VRChat, .hack//Universe, and many more! Be sure to stop by to see if any of your friends or familiar faces are still around.

We've become pretty welcoming and close with each other that we wrote a schedule for daily events for our friends to participate and meet up online to do events. On Monday's we play AzureZhen's The World R:Craft which is a free-to-play no Minecraft account required modded-Minecraft, Tuesday's we host a trivia game on Discord for users to show off their knowledge and experience of the series, Wednesdays we hop onto the VR world of The World VRChat which you can use with or without a VR headset but does support ALL VR headsets if you so choose, Thursdays we get in touch of our original characters and join in a role-play on Discord or on our web site, and on Fridays we grab our patched game disc or emulator for the PC and hop on a .hack//fragment server where up to 3 people can join a party and level up in the .hack//Infection setting world of online play with real friends. These are just some of the daily events you can join in, and we're always accepting of new ideas.

This has become the theme and status of our friendly community, if you wish to be part of it you are always welcomed; if you wish to support the series, we could always use your help working with BandaiNamco US/EU; or if you want to reconnect with old friends, then let us help you get there. Otherwise, I've been Erroneous and thank you for listening! Be sure to learn more and discover various venues with the links provided below.

Our Community

Website: http://www.dothack.org
Discord: https://discord.gg/YkRJjQF
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dothacknetwork
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/dothacknetwork
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dothacknetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dothacknetwork
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/dothacknetwork

.hack//G.U. Last Recode

Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/525480
Playstation Store: https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-us/games/hack-gu-last-recode/cid=UP0700-CUSA07559_00-HACKGURECODE0000
NA Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0743X12TX
EU Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B074VG7PGW
NA GameStop: https://www.gamestop.com/ps4/games/hack-gu-last-recode/150492
JP Amazon (Standard): https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B074GVWJT1
JP Amazon (Premium): https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B074GV5G2M


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