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Dothack Network

Roleplay Thursdays



On Thursday's we join our fellow dothackers here on this Discord in the #roleplay channels to go on adventure. Depending on your experience or interests of which version's of CC Corporation's "The World" you wish to play, you will notice that each #roleplay channel (#roleplay-r1 #roleplay-r2 #roleplay-rx) ends in R1, R2, and RX. These represent which The World you will be roleplaying in. The World R1 is earliest of the incarnations featuring 6 classes, rideable grunties, 5 root towns. The World R:2, the best known incarnation of the series boasts 11 classes, guild management grunties, 4 root towns. And The World R:X is an expansion of what we know in R2. The roleplay's run all day, so if you are a role-playing veteran or wish to try for the first time, join in with your fellow dothackers.

#dothack #dothackers #dothackgames #dothackgu #cyberconnect2 #theworld #dothackinfection #dothacklink


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