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Dothack Network

Dothack Network Newsletter April 2018



For those unaware, our goal and mission with Dothack Network is to archive and promote both official news and content, as well as fan sites and fan projects. Basically, if CC2 or BandaiNamco mentions or graces us fans with something new in the .hack// universe we will cover it and keep a record of it. And if a fan wants to create content related towards the series, we will acknowledge it, we will promote it, and do what we can to help you grow it. This is our first and foremost purpose of our community; to network you to the information you want or didn't know existed, to network communities together and help them grow, and build an everlasting network that proves how amazing the fans and fandom are, what they've done, what they've accomplished, and how we all did it together. So if you know something we haven't covered, or wish to start something new, let us help you and help others discover and explore all the great things you all can do.

This is officially the first email update of 2018, we apologize on not keeping you informed on the changes and news since 2017. The PS4 and Steam copy of .hack//G.U. Last Recode had released a demo copy for both systems, this only allows you to play the tutorial, but if you never played the .hack//G.U. series it is a nice little entry into the series. No news has come about the franchise since Last Recode of November 2017; but there has been a ton of events, promos, and new merchandise sprawling over in Japan in relation to .hack//G.U. and .hack as a whole. We at Dothack Network have begun a quest to catalogue all the merchandise, products, and memorabilia from the .hack// universe over the years both new and old on our main website which you can view here.

Earlier this year, social media and social networks have had hit it rough to the point that the end user have either opted to continue using their platforms or called it quits. Dothack Network originated on Facebook back in 2012. Since then we've built this site, created a Facebook group for the fans to reach out to each other, we've spread across various social media platforms other than Facebook, and established an official chatroom on Discord. We've acknowledge this dilemma and have been refreshing our site to be a great neutral ground for those hesitant to be on Facebook, Twitter, etc.. All our content on our site can be accessed freely without any accounts, registration, or providing any information from you to our site always. But should you wish to join in the comment and discussions, you can create an account with just your email only. Or if you wish and still continue to use social media, our site allows login's from your Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Twitch, and even your Steam account. The Dothack Network website can be reached at our easy to remember web address dothack.org from any device or PC. No installation required, so if you are hesitant on joining our Discord chatroom, the website is still a good neutral ground; however Discord can also be accessed by web browser only and no installations too.

Here's the latest in the realm of fan projects and content creators. SMZeldaRules continues to update us with new cosplay photo shoots with other .hack cosplayers. AzureZhen makes new features and model rips to his .hack themed free version of Minecraft. Taka is in develop of a Dungeons and Dragons tabletop based on The World FORCE ERA as seen in the .hack// movie Beyond The World. There has been a ton of new players and new area servers in Alkalime's .hack//fragment hosted lobby server. Rekka keeps us updated on the latest concert, meetup, and events related to .hack over in Japan including the latest Lien Live concert. Scygoku and others show off their recently shipped Haseo white/black .hack//figurarts. There has been a surprisingly amount of discussion on .hack//ENEMY the American TCG from 2003 over on our Discord chatroom, of those building decks and trading/selling cards. Ameila shares off her review of each .hack entry on her blog as seen over on our Facebook group. Erroneous trolls everyone on Facebook with an April Fools Day box cover of a .hack//IMOQ remaster reaching 16,013 people and again with a .hack//Loot Crate, although the later is more a request to BandaiNamco rather than a prank. There has been quite the amount of fan activity lately, we apologize if we missed something here.

And lastly, we'd like to share our reach of fans across all our networks as of April 26th 2018.

Discord Users: 922 https://discord.gg/YkRJjQF
Facebook Page Likes: 2,630 https://www.facebook.com/dothacknetwork
Facebook Page Followers: 2,588 https://www.facebook.com/dothacknetwork
Facebook Group Members: 855 https://www.facebook.com/groups/dothacknetwork
Instagram Followers: 125 https://www.instagram.com/dothacknetwork
Player.me Followers: 14 https://player.me/dothacknetwork
Twitter Followers: 206 https://twitter.com/dothacknetwork
Steam Members: 74 http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dothacknetwork
YouTube Subscriptions: 49 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBEy6D--SAMARDmSx6a6FNA
Website Registrations: 527 http://www.dothack.org
Wikipedia Users: 6 http://www.dothack.info


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