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Dothack Network

Dothack Day Tomorrow!



Tomorrow August 9th is Dothack Day! What will you be doing to celebrate this occasion? Livestream or a podcast? Playing/streaming IMOQ, Fragment, GU, LINK, VERSUS, Last Recode? Drawing art, showing off your cosplay, showing off your merchandise collection? Playing TTS with ENEMY? Whatever you have in mind, share with us, let us know and we'll help coordinate people to see how you celebrate! Or just chat with us on our Dothack Discord server discord.gg/YkRJjQF and be sure to use the following hashtag's everywhere!

#dothack #ドットハック #ハックの日 #dothackrevival #bringbackdothack #cc2 #cyberconnect2 #bne #bandainamco #bandainamcous #サイバーコネクトツー


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