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Dothack Network Sets Sights for 2015



Hello there,

This may be our first time meeting each other; however if you been watching us on our Facebook page Dothack Network, then you may already know what we are about.

We are fans of the .hack series, franchise, and distribution. Not only are we fans, we are also webmasters whom all shared one interests, we at some point created a website related to the series .hack in some shape or form. May it have been your information website that brought to you the latest in the news that the English fans were able to translate, or perhaps those that helped fan sub the latest raw file ripped from the internet, we might have begun and continue to develop a 3D MMO game based on The World, or maybe you just heard of us and what progress we've done revitalizing an old PS2 online game by rebuilding an area server, or maybe we played a game of Guilty Dragon on the Android together and didn't notice who the other player was.

However we came together, at some point in time, we all been apart of this larger community in the backdrop; separated by the names of what community we hailed from and separated by time. And unfortunately it is time that's dissolving the information, news, and history we all were all once apart of.

Dothack Network aim's to unite all fans of the dothack series, by being fans ourselves, making all information, tools, files, and sites accessible to all of you free of charge. The only thing you may have to endure is the road blocks and headaches that we may run into while rebuilding the internet. Already on our newly developed website community you can find site's of old being re-published in our blogs. Screenshots of those once amazing site's coming back together. As well as many downloadable goodies for you to use along the way to enjoy what CyberConnect2 and BandaiNamco once gave us. And maybe even discover some new things that you never seen or heard of until today.

Did you know, Guilty Dragon the .hack inspired card game is going on strong in Japan and even among the North American and European fans thanks to the Android APK file and a PC emulator for Android called BlueStacks? Or would it surprise you to know how many North American and English speaking gamers own and play the PS3 game .hack//VERSUS the World? Exchange your in-game names and you might encounter new friends to play with or fight against. In addition, thanks to a certain team, .hack//fragment for the PS2 is now online again and you yourself can join one of the many servers, or host your own.

Join us at our easy to remember address at dothack.org ! Accounts from The World BBS, The World RP, Project ALTIMIT, .hack//Integral, Integrability may have already been migrated over, so if you received an email, that means you have an account already, passwords were randomized so you will have to use the forgot password feature. Or email us if you need further assistance with setting up your account's password. Also if you wish for us to delete your account, we will be happy to assist you as well. The software we chosen is brand new and still in it's infantile, we were fortunately enough to get an early test on this new system and it has been remarkably amazing, very social media-esque. But because of it's early development, we do expect to run into some bugs and we are working closely with the developers to iron out the few remaining bugs in the system.

All these actions are thanks to the power and strength of the .hack community, and we will do our best to find them all and rebuild them on our community and enable all of you to come together as we wait and see what the future might bring. December 2014 has been a busy month for us and we can't wait to show you what we have in mind for 2015.


The Dothack Network Team


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